About Me

DSCN1927-01Describing yourself has to be one of the most difficult things there is to do. First, I’m a middle aged (what is middle aged, anyway?) woman, married to a wonderful man who loves me completely. I have three wonderful, grown children who have provided me with eleven amazing grandchildren. We live about about four hours from the bulk of my family, which means we don’t see them as often as we might like.

Beyond that, I’m a working woman. I have a full-time job in a local print shop. I’m a hobbyist; I love to knit, though I don’t do as much as I used to. As well, I also love to cook and bake; hence, one of my other blogs, “In Ev’s Kitchen” (which should be updated more often than it is). I also enjoy going on long walks with my camera and have a photo blog that has been ignored for far too long!

And then, there’s soap. I’m an avid soap and bath & body maker with my own tiny little business, Mission Meadows Soapery.

You can find links to all of my blogs on the “My Links” page above.

If you’d like to reach me directly, you can do so via email. My email address is evskae at gmail dot com (you know the routine, right?)

1 Comment

One thought on “About Me

  1. Crystal Rhodes

    Is it possible to have or buy a copy of your basic kids socks that was posted on ravelry? I am trying to knit socks for my five year old son and I am having difficulty with the size.

    Thank you 😊

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