

Well, the Little Arrowhead Cardi has been frogged. I did stop in at both yarn shops here in Kelowna on Saturday. Art of Yarn carries the Butterfly Super 10 cotton but the colour I need has, it seems, been discontinued and, therefore, no longer available. Kelowna Yarn and Needlecraft doesn’t carry it at all.

Considering I would need approximately three skeins, I decided I would be better off to frog it and use the yarn for something else. (Frogging, incidentally, for those of you who don’t knit, simply means taking your knitting apart, unravelling it; it comes from rip it, rip it, rip it, similar to the sound a frog makes.) Ethan and I had great fun ripping and rewinding the yarn. That was Saturday afternoon.

In the meantime, I cast on for a little hat, one I designed years ago, while working at Art of Yarn. The Lacy Cantata Hat is a lacy, close-fitting cap designed to be knit in a DK weight cotton and will fit most. At the time, I used a yarn called Cantata (the cap used exactly one ball of the Cantata); the Butterfly Super 10 is the same weight. A lot of people mistake the stitch for crochet but it IS knitted. It’s a quick knit and it’s a cute little hat, perfect for spring, summer, and fall… and it looks very “hippy”!


I’ll try to get pictures of Trinity wearing it this coming weekend. I think it’s something she might like. It would be fun to dress it up a little, too.. perhaps a fun pin, a crochet flower? I might even make up a few and put them up for sale on my soon-to-be-up-and-running Etsy page.

I may also rewrite the pattern, update it a little. Maybe. If there are enough hours in the day.

Categories: Blogging, Cardigan, Crochet, Finished | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Well, THAT Week’s Over!

I can honestly say I’m, happy it’s the weekend. It has been quite the week. There are always the usual things… work’s still busy, busy, busy; will it ever slow down enough that we have the opportunity to catch up? Then, on Tuesday, I got a call from Kristen. Ethan was in a lot of pain and she wanted to know if she should take him to emergency. I went over, took one look at him and told her to go. He’d broken his arm while playing at a friend’s house – boys being boys! That meant an evening of back and forth between the hospital, Kristen’s and my place. Trinity ended up staying the night here.

At the same time, we had company. John’s boss had been here for 10 days and would be leaving early Wednesday morning.

Ethan ended up being discharged late Tuesday but had to go back in on Wednesday morning to have his arm surgically set. They anesthetized him, set the arm, and put a temporary cast on. There was a chance that they would have to install pins to set the arm but everything went well and no pins were required… thankfully. Once the swelling goes down, some time next week (eta: Monday), he’ll go back to the hospital for a regular cast. In the meantime, we’re all watching him to make sure he doesn’t trip or bump into anything. It’s times like this that you really want to put your child in a bubble so that nothing more can ever hurt them.

Then, on Thursday night, I ended up with a couple of cuts to my right hand when I put my wine glass down a little too forcefully. It shattered, slicing my ring finger and my pointer finger.

By Friday morning, the stress and tension of the week decided to center itself in my head and I woke up with a killer headache. Needless to say, I stayed home and did a whole lot of nothing! Yes, I’m feeling a lot better now, thank you.

Yesterday was a good day. I went out for lunch with a friend, did a bit of shopping (bought a couple of tops and visited my favourite art store) and even got creative. It feels like it’s been a long time.

A couple of weeks ago, I downloaded a pdf with some crochet patterns for these…


I think I found the link on Pinterest; I’m really not sure, to be honest. The file has been sitting on my desktop for a few weeks now, with the intention of making a few. I used to crochet a lot. I have numerous doilies and my mother has even more that I made for her.

I went stash diving and came up with three or four yarns that would work. The pink is some ancient crochet cotton; I’m not even sure where I got it as it isn’t a colour I particularly like. The blue yarn is something I picked up a few years ago at the thrift store.

006I’ll be able to cover a LOT of rocks with that cone of yarn. To top it off, I have two cones of the stuff and I have no idea what I’ll ever do with it, besides crochet what John calls rock cozies.

I also have some off white cotton (10 balls of it) that I can use. I was thinking of doing some yarn bombing of my own. Can you picture walking along the creek and coming across crochet covered rocks here and there? I think it would be fun… and whimsical. For now, though, I’ve put them in the little pile of rocks at the edge of my flower garden.

And, speaking of garden, this is what’s blooming in my garden at the moment.


Categories: Blogging, Crochet, Garden, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments